Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Tiny Fairy Clipits

Supplies Needed
Artificial Flowers
Hot Glue Sticks & Gun
Craft Felt
Alligator Barrette Clips
not pictured above, Center Pieces (flat back marbles or gems)

Start off by removing all your flowers from the stems, then use your scissors to
cut the end of the stems off.

When you’ve cut off the ends of the stems your flowers should start coming apart in pieces, pull all of the pieces apart and set aside in order as they were together as a flower, this is the order you’re going to hot glue them back together.

Now you’re going to glue them back together piece by piece.  Use your hot glue and make a circle of glue around the hole in the center, then press the next flower piece into the glue.  You can use something like the end of your scissor handles to do this because the GLUE IS HOT!  And it will burn you. I know from experience. 

Once you have your flowers all back together you’re going to glue your center  piece in, you can use flat back marbles, or little jewels you find in the craft section. So put the glue directly on the back of your center piece, I discovered if you put it in the flower you will squish glue all out of the sides of your center piece, you can see this when you look at the finished green flower. Bummer that  one was my favorite! 

Now on to the back.  You cut a small rectangle of  felt out, about three times the size of your alligator barrette clip.  Then run a line of hot glue on your felt and open up your alligator barrette clip and clip it onto the glue line.  


Then on the side of the clip that is in the glue, put more hot glue all over the back side and press onto the flower and hold tightly for a few seconds.  


Then you have your very own cute Tiny Fairy Flower Clipit! These are super cute on babies, and with the right flower look elegant on women! 

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