Saturday, September 22, 2012

Crab Stuffed, Bacon Wrapped Mushrooms!

Crab Stuffed, Bacon Wrapped Mushrooms!

Okay y'all I know you're about to say we just used all those ingredients on the Crab Stuffed Wanton Shaped Crescents. And that is true! I made both dishes on the same night. But I wanted to try two different ways! So now you can too, because in the last recipe I said you'd only uses half of the package of Crabmeat and two of the Green Onions, so this recipe you can use the other half of the Crabmeat and two more of the Green Onions!

1 Package of Stuffing Mushrooms, Stems Removed
5T Cream Cheese, Soften (Feel Free to use the Whipped or Fat Free to cut Calories)
4T Mayonnaise (use Fat Free, Lite, or Olive Oil Mayo to cut Calories)
1/2 Package of Chopped Crabmeat (again, I didn't spend a boat load of cash, I used Imitation)
2 Green Onions, Chopped
1lb Package of Bacon
1/4 Tsp Tony's
1/4 Tsp Black Pepper

In a bowl you'll want to mix your Cream Cheese, Mayo, Chopped Green Onions, Crab Meat, Tony's and Black Pepper. Mix it up really well making sure you don't have any lumps of Cream Cheese in the mixture. After you've made your mixture, take out the stems from your Mushrooms and discard them. Dust the dirt off of your Mushroom caps, do not wash them off. When you wash Mushrooms the soak up the water, and then they're all watery and mushy, not yummy at all no. 

Alright y'all now it's time to stuff your Mushrooms. Spoon the mixture into each Mushroom cap, fill them until you have a nice mound of mixture on top of each Mushroom. Then take one piece of Bacon and wrap it all the way around the Mushroom cap and secure it with a tooth pick. 

Clean your grill really good so you don't have any nastiness on your grill. Then heat your grill to medium low heat. Place your Mushroom caps on the grill filling side up. Yes you're going to turn them but the filling will be secured by the Bacon.  5-8 minutes on each side, on medium low heat. Then finish on high heat for desired level of crispiness, allowing them to flame up a bit. (We used a propane grill) 

Add a couple of Mushrooms to a small steak and salad for a delicious meal!

Crab Stuffed Wanton Shaped Crescents

Hey Y'all!!! So happy to announce Mr. Amazing and I have a new baby on board. Our little Poppy Seed Muffin is due to arrive in late May. We couldn't be more excited or blessed! However with a bun in the oven comes crazy cravings!!! This happens to be one of them, and they turned out amazing!!! Have you ever gone to a Chinese food buffet and had the "crab bake". It's crab meat and a delicious sauce and green onions baked and covered with cheddar cheese. Delicious!!! This tastes so much like that it's crazy delicious, minus the cheddar cheese. Give it a try for your next party or just for the family. We enjoyed it very much. The twins who hate everything both loved it!!!

Crab Stuffed Wanton Shaped Crescents

1- Tube Crescent Roll Dough (you can use the Reduced Fat Tube to cut Calories!)
5T Cream Cheese, Soften.  (Feel Free to use the Whipped or Fat Free to cut Calories!)
4T Mayonnaise (use Fat Free, Lite, or Olive Oil Mayo to cut Calories)
1/2 Package of Chopped Crabmeat (Dare I say I used Imitation Crabmeat! Shocker, but Still Delicious!!!)
2 Green Onions, Chopped
1/4 Tsp Tony's
1/4 Tsp Black Pepper
Pam Olive Oil Spray

Preheat Oven to 375.

Add your Cream Cheese, Mayo, Chopped Green Onions, Chopped Crabmeat, Tony's, & Black pepper to a bowl and mix thoroughly. 

Spray your cookie sheet with your Pam Olive Oil Spray. Spread out the two halves of your Crescent Rolls and pinch your seams together. Then use a sharp knife to slice each half into six equal pieces. Then put a spoon full of the mixture on each piece. 

Pull each end of the Crescent Roll Dough to meet up in the middle and pinch together, then pinch the ends together. 

Bake on 375 for 12 minutes. Makes 12 individual servings. Great for parties! 

Friday, September 21, 2012

Tater Tot Casserole!

Oh Nelly! Tater Tot Casserole is the most amazing thing to walk out of my oven according to my two year old twins! Give it a try! Is it healthy? Nope absolutely not, but it sure is tasty!


1 Small Bag of Oreda Tater Tots
1 Can of Green Beans
1 Can of 98% Fat Free Cream of Chicken Soup
1 Can 0f 98% Fat Free Cream of Mushroom Soup
1 Cup Fat Free Evaporated Milk
1 LB, Lean Ground Beef
1 Small Can of mushrooms
1/4 of an onion
1 (2cp) Package of Cheddar Cheese
Seasoning of Your Choice, I used Tony's, Black Pepper, & Garlic Powder
Pam Cooking Spray

9x13 casserole dish


PreHeat your oven to 350.

Chop up your onion and toss it in the frying pan with your ground beef. Cook on medium high heat, season as desired, cook until beef is completely cooked. Drain the grease from your beef.

While your beef is cooking in a separate bowl pour in your Soups & Evaporated Milk, whisk them together until smooth. Then add your Mushrooms and Green beans and fold the veggies into the mix with a rubber spatula, if you use your whisk you might break the veggies, (you can also add corn and carrots if you like). Season your Soup Mixture as desired.

Spray your casserole dish with Pam all over the bottom and the sides and start layering in your ingredients. Put the Beef Mixture on the bottom. Top the Meat Mixture with the Tater Tots.  Then top the Tater Tots with the Soup Mixture.

Bake uncovered for (1) One Hour.  Pull the Casserole dish out after one hour and top with Cheddar Cheese and bake for (5)five minutes more!

Let sit for 5-10 minutes then serve.  I'm sorry, you can't make this beautiful, but you sure can make it yummy!!!!!