Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Dirty lenses? Clean them up!

Hey y'all! So if you're anything like me then you have never had a new vehicle, new to you sure, but never spanking new, slap your mama, off the lot vehicle.  So what I've come to realize over the years is no matter how many times I ask Mr. Amazing to change the bulbs in my headlights, they always do not give off enough light at night to make me happy. I feel like I'm driving in the dark, okay so I am driving in the dark, but you know the dark dark, I want brighter headlights, without having to purchase new headlight covers! Or heaven forbid depending on your vehicle the entire headlight!  So I have discovered via a friend an awesome way to clear up your head lights!!!!  

What you'll need:

1 medium sized tube of Tooth Paste
2 old wash rags
(I say old because no matter how many times I've washed my washrag it still smells a bit like Crest)

Note when you get to the bottom, you'll notice the headlights look better, not perfect but a heck of a lot better, and we tested our theory last night and drove over to Niagara Falls, and the sight is much better, the lights are much brighter. If you're lenses are very bad like mine are you're not going to be able to get all of the scratches to clear up, but it makes a significant improvement.

So this is my headlight cover on the front of my pickup right now. Isn't it beautiful!

So put a small amount of toothpaste on your rag.  

I have found that it does a better job when going in a circular motion, instead of a back and forth scrubbing motion. Just think wax on wax off wax on wax off.

See it's looking better already! Now that you've completed the whole lens and it's covered in dried on tooth paste, get another rag and wet it down and wipe the whole lens cover down.  

So like I said it't not perfect, but a vast improvement if I do say so myself! I hope you get even better results!

Since we are up here in New York for work we meet all sorts of people from all over the world. Currently there was a lovely couple from Corpus Christi Texas, about 400 miles from where we live in Texas. This couple was super sweet as they walked their four tiny yappy dogs all over the RV park.  They stopped to chat when they noticed our Texas plates on the pick up.  The man was super interested in what I was doing sitting in front of my pick up in my lime green lawn chair scrubbing my headlights. But he was super impressed to see the difference it had made and gave me a little advice of his own. A man he met back in Canada told him to put RainX on his headlights every once in a while, especially when you're vehicle is new so that it will never get to this point. He said that it will repel everything coming at it in the future. He also said that he's never had to replace a headlight lens since he started using it. So I think now that I'm done here, I'll go get a little RainX!

I apologize for the pictures from my pickup y'all, that sucker needs a bath! That's 1500 miles from Texas to New York bugs sitting right there. GROSS! 

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