Friday, February 3, 2012

Craftiness and how it came to be... for me.

I always wanted to write a blog, but I never had anything to write about. Until now! I am so excited about this blog. I hope my blog will inspire others to want to do crafty things as well.  

All my life my Mama and my Grammie have always been into crafts and do-it-yourself kinds of stuff. I always admired the abilities they had to make just about ANYTHING with their hands. My Mama could make beautiful bows with ribbon and wire, she made amazing things out of barbed wire, & to see the glorious things she could paint or draw with charcoal pencils, it's something to be in awe of!  I was so proud the day my Mama agreed to make the flowers for my wedding. I saved my beautiful bouquet in my wedding keepsake box.  My Grammie well what can't she do is an easier way to describe her.  She refinishes trunks and quilts the most beautiful quilts. She asked me what I wanted as a wedding gift and I told her I wanted a KING size quilt for my marital bed.  She and my Grampa drove all the way to Texas from Connecticut to see me marry the man of my dreams. She gave me my King size wedding quilt a couple of days before the wedding with a side note "I will NEVER make a KING size quilt again! That thing took up my entire dinning room table for months!"  She's the best!!!  My husband and I are going on six wonderful years of marriage this summer and we still sleep under our wedding quilt every night, we do not own another king size blanket. <3

I always wanted to be crafty like these two amazing women in my life. But with my Mama crazy busy with a full time career and my Grammie living 2000 miles away in Connecticut I had to find another way!!!  When I was pregnant with my twins boys I wanted to learn to sew.  So I got on my local Yahoo Garage Sale message board and put out a post asking for sewing lessons.  I  found Ms. B, who agreed to give me twice weekly sewing lessons, while I was big and pregnant and waddling around (pre bed rest). We bonded over baby stories, spools of thread and cute frog patterns, while trying to guess what the gender of the babies was going to be! Ms. B. is by far one of the kindest most patient women I have ever met in my life.  And no matter how many times I had to rip out those seams and start over she just smiled and told me I was doing a good job. I enjoyed those days with her that summer more than just about anything. 

Days after I delivered I was sitting in the NICU holding Thing 1, a nurse who'd helped deliver the boys walked in the room. She looked at me and said "HI! Do you remember me?"  (Apparently I was a little jacked up on the morphine lol). We got caught up a little and she mentioned how cute the twin's frog blankets were, and had asked me where I got them. I informed her that I had made them. She looked me straight in the face and said "You don't look like Martha Freaking Stewart to me!" You see I'm not your Mama's Martha Stewart. I'm your New Millennium tattooed pierced Martha Freaking Stewart!  I never laughed so hard in my life. I understand the comment now more than ever when I get looks from women my grandmother's age in the fabric store.  

My mama taught me to be crafty, Ms. B. taught me to sew, my Grammie and Mrs. P. taught me to quilt, and for that I am so grateful for these women. Y'all are an inspiration to me!  I hope with this blog to be able to teach others the things I know how to do, so that they can learn to be artsy-fartsy too! Something I hear all the time from people is "I want to learn how to.......(fill in the blank) but it looks so hard."  I hope to prove that wrong! I hope to show you crafts, yummy foods, and little tidbits of awesomeness for life!  Come with me and lets have some fun!           


  1. I love your work Jess. Every thing you touch comes out amazing! I am happy to see you with this passion and look forward to all of your new projects, brave color pallets and brilliantly creative ideas. Beads to baby bibs to blankets... all beautiful. ♥

  2. Jess I am so proud of you. You do amazing work and I know your blog is going to be amazing too.

  3. I don't think even you can make me crafty! I am SO proud of you for starting your blog! You are such an awesome person!
